We reviewed the bylaws of British Columbia jurisdictions to determine where breed-specific bylaws exist in our province. The list is organized by region and includes communities with a population of 2000 or more. If you would like to add an entry, or if you spot an error on this page, please email Please note that this list is compiled for convenience only. For the most accurate information, please read the bylaw itself by following the associated link, by checking the City’s website, or by calling the City Clerk’s office.
BSL in the lower mainland

CITY OF BURNABY BYLAW NO 9609 “VICIOUS DOG” means: 1 (b) a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, an American Pit Bull Terrier and any dog generally recognized as a pit bull or pit bull terrier and includes a dog of mixed breed with predominant pit bull or pit bull terrier characteristics. 5 (1) Every owner of a dog shall keep it on a leash not longer than 2 m while on a highway or public place. (2) Every owner of a vicious dog shall keep it muzzled while on a highway, park or other public place. (Bylaw No. 13295) 7. Every owner of a vicious dog shall, while the dog is on the owner's premises, keep the dog securely confined either (a) indoors, or (b) within a fenced yard in an enclosure that is (i) capable of preventing inadvertent entry by any person including a child, (ii) adequately constructed to prevent the dog from escaping or inflicting harm on any person or domestic animal, and (iii) posted with a sign at each point of entry advising that a vicious dog is within. *Vicious dog spayed / neutered $116.00 *Vicious dog – unaltered $174.00
CITY OF RICHMOND BYLAWs 7138 & 7932 “DANGEROUS DOG” means: 4 (e) a Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Pit Bull, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, or any dog of mixed breeding which includes any of these breeds; or any dog which has the appearance and physical characteristics predominantly conforming to the standards for any of the above breeds. 1.1 Requirement to Possess a Dog Licence 1.1.1 Every person who owns any dog or dangerous dog over the age of eight (8) weeks, must: (a) obtain a dog licence for such dog or dangerous dog in accordance with this bylaw; and (b) attach such dog licence: (i) to a suitable collar or harness around the neck of the dog or dangerous dog, while not on a leash; or (ii) to a leash attached to a dog or dangerous dog; and (c) produce such dog licence for a dog or dangerous dog at the request of an Animal Control Officer. 2.1.1 An annual, non-refundable dog licence fee in the amount set from time to time in the Consolidated Fees Bylaw No. 8636, is payable for each dog or dangerous dog over the age of eight (8) weeks. 2.1.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 2.1.1, every dog licence fee paid by an owner who is of the age of 65 or older, will be reduced by 50% of the amount set from time to time in the Consolidated Fees Bylaw No. 8636 upon production of proof, satisfactory to the City, of such owner’s age provided that: (a) for dogs or dangerous dogs, (i) licensed in the previous calendar year, the dog licence fee is paid prior to March 1 of the current licence year; or (ii) acquired during the current licence year, the dog licence fee is paid within thirty (30) days of acquiring the dog or dangerous dog; and (b) the dog or dangerous dog is neutered or spayed. 2.3 ( Every owner of a dangerous dog must: (a) ensure that such dangerous dog is not allowed on any street or in any public place, or any other place that is not owned or controlled by that person, unless such dangerous dog is: (i) on a leash not longer than 1.2 metres; and (ii) muzzled; and (iii) under the care and control of an owner who is 19 years of age or older; and (b) subject to the limitations of section 1.1.1, keep such dangerous dog securely confined at all times, either indoors or in an enclosure, while the dangerous dog is on the premises owned or controlled by such person. Licensing: - Dangerous dogs spayed or neutered before March 1, 2022 $189.00 (Discounted) - Before March 1, 2022 (Seniors Rate), $94.00 (Discounted) - On or after March 1, 2022 $250.00 Bylaws:
West Vancouver
DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER BYLAW 4545 “DANGEROUS AND AGGRESSIVE” dog means: Any dog that has attacked or tends to attack, harass, or bite other domestic animals or humans without provocation, or is any type of pit bull terrier or other dog specifically bred or trained for fighting, is an aggressive dog under Animal Control and Licensing Bylaw #4545. When at home, the dog must be securely confined by a structure which will keep young children from entering and the dog from exiting. All dogs are required to be leashed and accompanied when off their property. Bylaws:
BSL on vancouver island

LADYSMITH BYLAW 1154/1155 and FAQ references per: bylaw page “RESTRICTED DOG” means: Ladysmith has specific rules in place for certain “restricted” breeds of dogs. The restricted breeds are: Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, English Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, and any mixed breed dog more than four months old that contains any of those breeds. If a dog and its owner possess the Canine Good Neighbour or Canine Good Citizen Certification, the animal is not considered to be part of a ‘restricted breed’. Rules for dangerous and restricted dogs: Dangerous and restricted dogs must be kept securely confined on their own property and must be leashed and muzzled when off their own property. For restricted dogs, the leash must be no more than six feet long. All restricted dogs older than six months must be spayed or neutered, unless they are registered with the Canadian, American or British Kennel Club or other recognized registry.
PARSKVILLE BYLAW 1524 & DANGEROUS OR AGGRESSIVE DOG means: 1 (c) a Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Pit Bull, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier or any dog of mixed breeding which includes any of the aforementioned breeds. 25. In addition to the requirement of Section 24, no person who is the owner, possessor or harbourer of a dangerous or aggressive dog shall permit, suffer or allow the dog to be on any streets or in any public place or any other place that is not owned or controlled by that person unless the dog is muzzled to prevent it from biting another animal or human; a) Every owner, possessor or harbourer of a dangerous or aggressive dog shall, at all times while the dog is on the premises owned or controlled by such person, keep the dog securely confined either indoors or in an enclosed pen or other structure capable of preventing the entry of young children and adequately constructed to prevent the dog from escaping. 29. It shall be unlawful to own any diseased, dangerous or aggressive dog unless such dog is kept sufficiently confined or secured so as to prevent it from endangering the safety of any person, dog or animal. The Provincial Judge before whom any person shall be convicted of an offence under this section may, in addition to any fine or costs imposed, order that such diseased, dangerous or aggressive dog be humanely euthanized and further that the cost of disposing of such dog be paid by the person so convicted. Bylaws:
BSL in northern bc & Cariboo

Fort Nelson
FORT NELSON BYLAW 4122 8. LICENSING, REGULATION and PROHIBITION OF PIT BULL DOGS 8.1 Prohibition (a) No person shall possess, harbor or keep a pit bull within the boundary identified on “Map 1”, unless that pit bull has been licensed in accordance with this Section on or before October 31, 2007. 8.2 Licensing (a) Not withstanding “Schedule A” to this bylaw, the fee for a pit bull dog license under this sub-section shall be $100 and no license fee shall be rebated. (b) No license shall be issued or renewed for a pit bull which has not been licensed on or before October 31, 2007. NRRM Animal Control, Pound and License Bylaw No. 09, 2009 (Consolidated) Page 9 of 22 8.3 Regulations (a) Every owner of a pit bull shall comply with the regulations as established in Section 7, Dangerous Dogs of this bylaw. 8.4 Insurance (a) Every owner of a pit bull shall maintain in force a liability insurance policy in the minimum amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) per occurrence, covering personal injury and property damage which may be caused by that owner’s pit bull. Updated insurance coverage statements from the owner’s insurance broker must be supplied to the Municipality on a semi-annual basis. (b) Prior to obtaining or renewing a license under this bylaw, an owner of a pit bull shall provide to the Bylaw Enforcement Officer, or the Treasurer proof of the insurance required under sub-section (8)(a). (c) If the liability insurance required by sub-section (8)(a) is not maintained in force, any license in respect of the affected dog is void. 7. DANGEROUS DOGS 7.1 No owner of a dangerous dog shall permit, suffer, or allow the dog to run at large, chase, attack or bite another person or animal. 7.2 An owner of a dangerous dog may cause or allow a dangerous dog to be in a public place or on privately owned property with consent of the owner only if the dog is: (a) firmly held on a leash or secured in an enclosure; (b) firmly held by a person competent to restrain the dangerous dog; (c) muzzled by a properly fitted humane device. 7.3 An owner of a dangerous dog must keep the dangerous dog in a secured enclosure or structure. 7.4 An owner of a dangerous dog must: (a) display a sign at each entrance to the parcel of land on which the dog is kept; and (b) display a sign on the building or structure in which the dog is kept. 7.5 The sign warning of a dangerous dog must display the following: (a) Contain the word WARNING” with words measuring at least six centimeters high and twenty centimeters wide (b) Contain the phrase “Dangerous Dog on Premises” with words measuring at least two centimeters high and twenty-five centimeters wide (c) Contain a realistic picture or illustration measuring at least fourteen centimeters high and fourteen centimeters wide showing the head of a dog with bared teeth 7.6 The dangerous dog sign must be posted so it is not easily removed. 7.7 Within two working days of selling or giving away the dangerous dog, the owner of a dangerous dog must provide the Municipality with the name, address, and telephone number of the dangerous dog’s new owner. 7.8 Within two working days of the death of the dangerous dog, advise the Municipality of the death of the dangerous dog. NRRM Animal Control, Pound, and License Bylaw No. 09, 2009 (Consolidated) Page 8 of 22 7.9 An owner must advise the Municipality or the RCMP if the Dangerous Dog is running at large or has bitten or has attacked a person or animal. 7.10 No person may deface or remove a sign posted under Section 7.4 of this bylaw. 7.11 The owner of any dangerous dog impounded under this Bylaw may reclaim it on application to the Pound keeper within Seventy-Two (72) hours from the time of its seizure by providing proof of ownership, paying any impoundment and related fees as set out in "Schedule B” and any applicable fine, and delivering to the Pound keeper an executed statement in the Application for Release of Dangerous Dog Form available from the Animal Control Officer. 7.12 If a dangerous dog has been impounded and is not reclaimed within the seventy-two (72) hour impounding period, the Pound keeper may cause such dangerous dog to be destroyed, provided that where the owner of such dangerous dog requests a further period of time in which to construct an enclosure for the dog, the Pound keeper may extend the time limit to reclaim the dog for a period of not more than Ten (10) days upon receipt of additional fees specified in Schedule B. 7.13 As per Section 49 of the Community Charter, if the animal control officer believes that a dog is a dangerous dog, the animal control officer may apply to the Provincial Court for an order that the dog be destroyed in the manner specified in the order. Bylaws:
Prince Rupert
PRINCE RUPERT BYLAW 3250 SCHEDULE “D” – RESTRICTED DOGS The following are deemed to be “Restricted Dogs” for the purposes of this Bylaw and shall include any dog of mixed breeding which includes but is not limited to the following breeds: 1. Pit Bull 2. Pit Bull Terrier 3. American Pit Bull Terrier 4. Staffordshire Bull Terrier 5. American Staffordshire Terrier 6. Cane Corso 7. Italian Mastiff 8. Presa Canario 9. Fila Brasileiro 10. Argentinean Dogo 11. Any dog which has the appearance and physical characteristics predominantly conforming to the standards for any of the above breeds as established by the Canadian Kennel Club, or the American Kennel Club, or the United Kennel Club and as determined by a veterinarian licensed to practice in the Province of British Columbia. 408. The owner of a “Vicious Dog” or of a “Restricted Dog” shall: 408.1 not permit or allow the dog to be in a designated off-leash area in the City at any time 408.2 ensure that the dog is muzzled and leashed when in public places 408.3 not permit or allow the dog to be in the front yard, unless the dog is properly leashed and muzzled and under the control of a competent person 408.4 in accordance with the fee set out in Schedule “B”, purchase from the City, warning signage, as outlined in Schedule “C”, with the signage to be displayed in such a manner as to ensure that it is plainly and clearly visible from the front street or sidewalk 408.5 ensure that the back or rear yard of their own private property is properly secured by a fence with a minimum height of six (6) feet and properly contains the dog or in the alternative that there is a properly constructed pen of sufficient strength and design to both contain the dog and allow enough room for the dog to comfortably move around 408.5.1 Where an owner, under this section, has opted for the construction of a pen, in place of a fence, then the owner shall ensure that the dog is properly leashed, muzzled and under the control of a competent person when on their private property, but outside of the pen. 408.6 For the purpose of this Bylaw, a “Restricted Dog” dog shall be defined in Schedule “D”. Licensing: - Restricted Dogs $200 before March 1, 2022 - Restricted Dogs – Sterilized with certification $150 before March 1, 2022 Bylaws:
STEWART BYLAW 815 “RESTRICTED DOG” means: A Pit Bull Terrier, an American Pit Bull Terrier, a Pit Bull, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, an American Staffordshire Terrier, or a crossbreed of any of the aforementioned breeds. Licensing: - Dangerous Dog - $50.00 Bylaws:
BSL in the Okanagan & interior

CITY OF NELSON BYLAW 2333 “VICIOUS DOG” means: c) which is a Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Pit Bull, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier or any dog of mixed breeding which includes any of the aforementioned breeds. 3 (c) Before issuing a license for a Vicious Dog, the City may require the owner to furnish proof of liability insurance, for the entire period of licensing, of at least $1,000,000 covering the premises where such Vicious Dog is kept, which insurance shall include claims arising out of dog bites or dog attacks. (Amended by Bylaw No. 2686, January 23rd, 1995) 8. (a) Vicious Dogs i. No owner, possessor or harbourer of a Vicious Dog, or any other dog, cat or any other animal shall permit or cause it to be at large in the Municipality. ii. No person shall cause, suffer or permit any Vicious Dog owned or harboured by such person to be on a highway or in any public place, or to be on any private lands and premises without the consent of the occupier of such lands and premises and unless such Vicious Dog is on a leash and effectively muzzled. iii. Every owner, possessor or harbourer of a vicious dog shall at all times, while the dog is on the premises owned or controlled by such person, keep the dog securely confined, either indoors or in an enclosed six foot high chain link fence or other material approved by the Municipality. iv. The Bylaw Enforcement Officer may impound any vicious dog found to be in a place or in circumstances prohibited by this Bylaw and deliver it to the Municipal Pound. Licensing: - Pit Bull Terrier $300.00 Bylaws:
TOWN OF OSOYOOS BYLAW NO. 1316 “RESTRICTED DOG” means the following breed of Dog: (i) Pit Bull, Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and any Dog of mixed breeding which includes any of those breeds RESTRICTED DOGS: The Town is reminding all dog owners of their responsibilities and requirements under the bylaw and providing notice that the rules for Restricted Dog breeds are actively enforced. Animal Control Bylaw No. 1316, 2016 defines a Restricted Dog as one of the listed breeds: - Pit Bull - Pit Bull Terrier - American Pit Bull Terrier - Pit Bull Cross - American Bull Terrier Staffordshire - Terrier Cross (only applies if the cross includes pit bull) - Mix Breed (only applies if the mix includes pit bull) If a Restricted Dog is found off their property without a muzzle the dog owner will be subject to a fine of $200. Bylaws:
BSL in the US
Animal Farm Foundation tracks BSL in communities across the United States. The map that they have created provides a comprehensive look at breed-specific legislation across the United States and is updated often to ensure accuracy. To access their BSL map, please click the link below.
Breed Specific Legislation Map
BSL Advocacy Groups in Canada
HugABull Advocacy & Rescue Society
Justice for Bullies
Ontario “Pit Bull” Co-op
General BSL Information
National Canine Research Council
Animal Farm Foundation