SPONSOR A compassion care DOG
When you sponsor a Compassion Care dog, you get to know that you are providing a dog with the financial support that they require in order to live out the rest of their days as comfortably as possible. Our Compassion Care dogs are generally seniors or those with extensive health problems and so the veterinary and medication bills add up quickly.
Generally, when you donate towards a Compassion Care dog, regular email updates are NOT sent. This is because these dogs generally live a low-key life with lots of couch snuggles and gentle walks (so their updates would all be the same!). We do try to keep our supporters updated on the dog's wellbeing through our social media platform.

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When you sponsor a dog, you get to know that you are having a direct impact on this dog's life. Often, the dogs that require sponsorship are those with extreme medical needs, are senior dogs or have been victims of abuse and neglect. These dogs generally require extensive and expensive veterinary assistance and don't we all know that those bills add up quickly!
When you donate towards a dog, your name will be added to their sponsor list. We send out regular emails to each dog's sponsors that include extra special and intimate details, photos and videos about their life and their progress that aren't always shared on our social media platforms. You get to follow along with each dog's journey to health and happiness!

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